Meet the nominees for J Street’s National Board

Marci Gerston

10 years ago, J Street’s presence in Silicon Valley was almost nonexistent. As a member (and chair) of the JCRC, I was frustrated by AIPAC’s power. When I learned about J Street, it was truly a godsend! J Street created a space for me to speak authentically about Israel/Palestine, with nuance and thoughtfulness.

With another brave soul, I established a J Street chapter and became the chair. Initially rebuffed by local synagogues and community centers, the chapter has grown from a few active members to its current core leadership of 24, with dozens more aligned and involved followers. J Street Silicon Valley is now well-integrated into our community and well-respected by all local Congress members.

As chair, I worked intensely on all four spokes of J Street’s structure — advocacy, political, communal and development. I found ways to integrate and get the best out of people with different styles, temperaments, and personalities. I understand the day-to-day challenges of “growing a chapter” as well as J Street’s principles and policies.

Attending a CODEL in 2022 gave me a glimpse into J Street’s true influence. I can envision J Street’s growth 10 years from now: J Street is the main influencer in the US on Israel, scaled up from its current size through thoughtful strategic steps. As a Board member, I will bring the nuts and bolts of chapter work to the broader picture as we expand J Street’s reach and influence.

Marsha Greenfield

I am honored to be nominated to the Board. I applied for this opportunity and ask for your support because I want to be part of the solution, not the problem.

In this time of horror, sadness and violence, J Street’s role as a principled advocate for nuance, peace and diplomacy is critical. The Board plays a significant role in formulating and implementing our goal of two states for two peoples whose fates are bound together.

I joined J Street in 2009, have been on the DC Metro steering committee for 10+ years, DAC since 2012, am Maryland advocacy coordinator, and my synagogue liaison. I bring decades of experience as a federal lobbyist, attorney and current board chair of a national aging and disability advocacy organization. I am also a Neutral Mediator.

I have advocated on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since the 1970’s. While I would represent the left part of our center-left political approach, I honor the importance of compromise and consensus, of threading many needles, to realize the most effective strategies to achieve J Street’s goals.

This is an incredibly complicated time for the pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-diplomacy, pro-Palestine, pro-2 state solution (not dead yet!) political left-center movement that we lead. We must grow our local chapters and J Street U, be a home for supporters who champion both Israel and Palestine, combat antisemitism on right and left, as well as Islamophobia. Lots to do. Our leadership will be tested but is essential to achieve a just peace.

Steve Masters

I’m excited to be running to be J Street’s grassroots voice on the board.

During this unprecedented time, I ground my thinking on four truths:

  • The Israel/Hamas war has changed everything about the I/P conflict – this is our greatest challenge
  • Since the war began, J Street has gained unprecedented influence with the Biden Administration and Congress – this is our greatest strength
  • The core truths that form the bedrock of J Street’s approach remain unchanged – this is the foundation for our multi-spoke strategies
  • During times of profound uncertainty, leaders with deep experience working with Israelis and Palestinians both in the region and in the US are critical to develop effective strategies for US engagement

During times of profound uncertainty, leaders with deep experience working with Israelis and Palestinians both in the region and in the US are critical to develop effective strategies for US engagement

I’ve been active in Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace, Pro-Democracy grassroots groups both in the US and Israel for the past 40 years.

In Israel, I worked side by side with Israelis and Palestinians as a human rights lawyer at ACRI.
In the US, I co-founded and led two national Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace organizations. While Brit Tzedek’s President, I integrated our 50,000 members and 1,000+ rabbis into J Street’s Education Fund and joined the board.

This grassroots board seat is special for me – Brit Tzedek created it to ensure the voice of our grassroots would always be heard at the highest levels of leadership.

My passion and love for Israel and peace has called me to run for the grassroots seat on J Street’s board.

I would be so honored to receive your vote.

Loree Resnik

Those chosen as final candidates bring their own unique backgrounds, strengths and vision to this role. I have held leadership positions in both Jewish and Democratic organizations that bring an array of organizational and individual contacts and an understanding of both of these arenas.

I have served as a Temple Executive Director; President of the National Association for Temple Administration; Vice President of Development, member, Strategic Planning Committee; and Chair of the Search Committee for ARZA that engaged Rabbi Josh Weinberg; member of the Board, Executive Committee and Outreach Commission of URJ; and Vice Chair of its Synagogue Management Commission. Outside of the Reform movement, I have been the Bridge-Building Vice Chair of the Cleveland Region of the AJC and Chair of the Cleveland Jewish Educators Council. Currently, I serve on the Legislative Committee of NCJW CLE, advocating for women, children and families.

Politically, I have been Neighborhood Team Leader for Geauga County for the 2012 Obama and the 2016 Clinton Campaigns organizing campaign workers, hosting special guest programs and igniting a brightly Red county to increase its Blue.

I re-started J Street CLE building an ever-growing, energized membership to take its position among the Jewish organizations of Cleveland.

It is my goal as a potential member of the J Street Board to help further our positioning as a leading organization advocating a two-state solution and now being championed by most Jewish-Americans, our United States administration, and an ever-growing number of Israelis. I hope your vote will make this happen.