J Street works to promote an open, honest and rigorous conversation about Israel. The opinions reflected in articles posted in the News Roundup do not necessarily reflect J Street’s positions, and their posting does not constitute an endorsement from J Street.
US Calls on Israel To Investigate Death of Palestinian Boy, AP
The U.S. State Department is calling on Israel to open a “thorough” investigation into the mysterious death of a 7-year-old Palestinian boy who collapsed and died on Thursday, shortly after Israeli soldiers came to his home in the occupied West Bank. Relatives said Rayan Suleiman had no previous health problems and accused the army of scaring the child to death. The army called the death a tragedy and said its soldiers were not to blame.
David Cicilline, Jewish Progressive, Is New Chair of House Middle East Subcommittee, JTA
Democrats on the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee voted to name as chairman of its influential Middle East subcommittee Rep. David Cicilline, a Jewish Rhode Islander who is a member of the party’s Progressive Caucus.
Shaked Orders Family of Palestinian Who Killed Soldiers to Leave Israel After Court Ruling, Haaretz
Israel’s Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked informed seven relatives of Fadi al-Qanbar—who killed four soldiers in 2017—that they must leave the country within the coming week after the government revoked the residency status of 17 family members.
Human Rights Lawyer in Israeli Prison Goes on Hunger Strike, The Guardian
A prominent Palestinian-French human rights lawyer has gone on hunger strike in protest against his imprisonment without charge by Israeli authorities for the last six months.
With Elections on the Horizon, Israel’s anti-Netanyahu Protests Are Back in Action, Haaretz
The possibility that Netanyahu will return to power has brought the black flag protests back to Israel’s bridges and intersections, this time under a new banner: ‘You shall not return’.
Nides: US Continues To Work With Israel To Limit Settlement Growth, The Jerusalem Post
The Biden Administration is working with Israel to limit West Bank settlement growth including in east Jerusalem, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said on Wednesday morning.
Arab Diplomats Urge Liz Truss Not To Move British Embassy to Jerusalem, The Guardian
Arab ambassadors in London are urging Liz Truss not to go ahead with “an illegal and ill-judged” plan to move the British embassy to Jerusalem. Some Arab diplomats have even said the plan could jeopardise talks on a highly prized free trade deal between the UK and the Gulf Cooperation Council due to be completed this year.
A Procedural Guide to Palestinian Succession: The How of the Who, Carnegie Endowment
Nathan J. Brown and Vladimir Pran explain the overlapping legal procedures will guide the many organizations Mahmoud Abbas leads once he eventually abdicates power.
One of Netanyahu’s Most Stunningly Irresponsible Decisions Threatens Israel’s Future, Haaretz
Eric H. Yoffie argues, “Netanyahu’s ego-driven fixation on winning the election at all costs could now collapse Israel’s economy and tear apart its social fabric.”