J Street is proud to join more than fifty other organizations representing millions of Americans in sending a letter to President-elect Trump calling on him to rescind his appointment of Gen. Michael Flynn as his National Security Advisor.
Dear Mr. President-elect,
We are organizations representing millions of Americans, writing to express our deep concern with your appointment of Lt. General (Ret.) Michael Flynn to the position of National Security Advisor. While deserving respect for the time he has served our country in uniform, we feel General Flynn is unfit for serving in this critical post. His appointment will damage America’s standing in the world and pose a threat to our national security.
The United States faces complex national security challenges that necessitate serious, measured leadership. The National Security Advisor is a critical role. Considering General Flynn’s deeply troubling history of bigoted and deceitful statements and his alarming ties to foreign governments, it is clear he is a completely inappropriate choice to serve in the most senior national security position in the White House.
General Flynn is entitled to differ from the large majority of the American security establishment by opposing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear agreement with Iran. But his advocacy of “regime change” over diplomacy as a means of addressing Iran’s nuclear program is reckless and incendiary. His appointment will send a dangerous signal to all parties to the agreement and the entire world that the United States cannot be counted on to adhere to its obligations under this or other vital international agreements.
Perhaps most alarming, since last summer General Flynn has regularly attended your classified intelligence briefings while also advising foreign governments. He has reportedly leaked classified US intelligence to Pakistan, and his lobbying company, Flynn Intel Group, has ties to Turkish interests close to the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
General Flynn’s appointment as National Security Advisor is a frightening prospect for anyone who values America’s national security and ability to promote stability and prosperity around the globe. We call on you to rescind it immediately.
American Family Voices
American Friends Service Committee
American Values Network
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Americans for Peace Now
Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta
Asian Americans Advancing Justice-LA
Brave New Films
Brooklyn For Peace
Campaign for America’s Future
Center for International Policy
Center of Concern
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Church World Service
Conference of Major Superiors of Men
Demand Progress
Desis Rising Up and Moving
Disciples Center for Public Witness
Disciples Home Missions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Division of Overseas Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Florida Council of Churches
Franciscan Action Network
Global Zero
J Street
Just Foreign Policy
Military Religious Freedom Foundation