Extremism in our community
We have a real problem in the American debate on Israel. It’s the same problem blocking any sort of budget deal or common sense gun safety measures.
It seems as if those on the extremes always dominate the debate, drown out the sensible middle and prevent progress.
More and more journalists are calling it out: Did you see Tom Friedman in the New York Times this week1 or long-time political commentator Jim Besser yesterday2?
With your help, J Street is starting to change all that.
We’re building an effective, moderate political voice that both supports Israel as a democratic home for the Jewish people and the right of the Palestinian people to their independence.
Here’s how we’re making a difference:
- We’re revolutionizing politics on our issue, proving to politicians that they can win elections by staking out pro-Israel, pro-peace positions – in fact, 70 of 71 candidates endorsed by our PAC won this year.
- We’re seeing the impact in Congress where two-thirds of the Democratic Caucus refused to sign AIPAC’s latest letter calling for closing the PLO’s diplomatic mission in Washington. Such letters used to by signed by 4 out of every 5 Members of Congress. Not any more.
- We’re pushing back hard against fierce, personal attacks against Senator Chuck Hagel’s possible nomination to be Secretary of Defense – the kind that intimidate politicians and policy makers into silence. Now, Washington knows that a serious pro-Israel lobby will have their back if they’re attacked for refusing to take only the most hawkish positions on Israel.
We need your help to give the sensible center on our issue real voice and real power.
Please chip in and help us meet our new $150,000 goal.
[1] – Give Chuck A Chance, Tom Friedman, New York Times, 12/25/12
[2] – Don’t Let Pro-Israel Extremists Sink Chuck Hagel, James Besser, New York Times, 12/26/12