WASHINGTON—J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami issued the following statement in response to ongoing rocket fire on southern Israel from Palestinian militants in Gaza: “With southern Israel under a fourth day of intensive rocket fire from Palestinian militants in Gaza, J Street reiterates its condemnation of those firing rockets from Gaza at civilian population centers in Israel. We further express our deep concern for the citizens of southern Israel. The renewed rocket fire from Gaza is simply intolerable, and we call on the broader world community to make clear to these extreme Palestinian militants that they must cease fire immediately. J Street staunchly supports Israel’s right to defend and protect its citizens, and this includes acting to thwart terrorists planning or executing attacks. At the end of the day, the level of violence will only subside when the underlying conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples is resolved. We urge the parties, the United States and the Quartet to put resolving this conflict back at the forefront of the international agenda. Inaction only increases the chance that flare-ups of violence could explode into a broader conflict that serves no one’s interests at a time of heightened regional tensions and instability. “