J Street welcomes President Biden’s nomination of veteran State Department official and diplomat Thomas R. Nides to serve as the US Ambassador to Israel.
The events of the past few weeks have made abundantly clear that our country urgently needs an experienced diplomat to take up this highly sensitive and complex post, and we believe that Nides has the necessary experience. We congratulate him and his family on this honor and look forward to working together with the ambassador to advance common goals of strengthening Israel’s democracy, protecting Palestinian rights and promoting Israeli-Palestinian peace.
As J Street has made clear to the Biden administration, we believe that if the United States is to play a truly responsible and effective role in promoting peace and preventing violence, American policy is in need of a reset — one that focuses on addressing underlying root causes of conflict, including the ongoing occupation. During his confirmation hearings and once confirmed, we look forward to hearing from Ambassador Nides about how he believes the US can best act to create a more just, equitable and peaceful future for both Israelis and Palestinians.