WASHINGTON – J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami released the following statement in response to the Emergency Committee for Israel’s ad promoting military action against Iran:
“The people who pushed for war with Iraq are now bent on starting a war with Iran. The security of the United States – and of Israel – is too important to stand idly by while some of Mitt Romney’s biggest supporters press for another war.
Preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is a key US and Israeli national security interest. That’s why Americans and Israelis, including prominent national security experts in both countries, support the crippling sanctions and diplomacy that have been the heart of President Obama’s policy.
The Iranian regime is feeling the heat, and the world is united behind his approach.
Even ECI Chairman Bill Kristol has said he agrees with President Obama “to a considerable degree” when it comes to Iran.
Yet, with this ad, ECI is nonetheless pressing for war, hoping its saber-rattling will yield partisan political gain.
The issue shouldn’t be turned into a partisan political football.
We deeply appreciate President Obama’s call to avoid ‘loose talk of war,’ which, ‘has only benefited the Iranian government.’
Mitt Romney should make clear that he agrees with those American and Israeli security experts who caution against striking Iran and find an opportunity soon to renounce and distance himself from this irresponsible ad.”