J Street believes that maintaining a strong, vibrant US-Israel relationship based on shared values and goals is a core American interest. US support for Israel as a democracy and a national home for the Jewish people is an historic and crucial commitment. An enduring relationship between the US and Israel promotes common interests in the security, economic and strategic spheres.
American assistance to Israel, including maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge, is an important anchor for a peace process based on providing Israel with the confidence and assurance to move forward on a solution based on land for peace. J Street consistently advocates for robust US foreign aid to Israel, and J Street also strongly supports continued aid to the Palestinian Authority which is essential to Israeli security.
The US-Israel relationship across a range of areas has not and need not come at the expense of America’s ability to maintain productive and beneficial relations throughout the Middle East. Part of this relationship has to include the ability to conduct an honest and open conversation where interests diverge – including the airing of disagreements in public when appropriate and necessary. Israeli pursuit of settlement expansion in violation of existing agreements and acting against US (and we would suggest Israeli) interests is an example of the need for such an honest dialogue between friends.