YOUR BASIC INFORMATION First Name Last Name Email YOUR BILLING INFORMATION TICKETS Welcome Reception and Dinner I will attend Advocacy Day on Tuesday, November 19 National Leadership Summit Ticket ($225.00) NLST225 225 National Leadership Summit Premium Ticket . ($500)Includes: 1 leadership summit ticket Recognition in the printed program NLSPT500 500 National Leadership Summit Lead Sponsor. ($1,000)Includes: 1 Leadership Summit ticket, recognition at opening plenary and sponsors one J Street U Board Member to attend the summit. National Leadership Summit Host Sponsor. ($1,800)Includes: 1 Leadership Summit ticket Recognition at opening plenary and leadership dinnersSponsors one J Street U Board Member to attend the summit. NLSHS1800 1800 Make an Additional Contribution $ Credit Card Payment Information Total Due $ Name Card Number Expiration This is a text field that I made a calculated field. In the calculation I just put a space and it causes the answer part of this field to disappear. MM YY Credit Card Payment Information I made card information sensitive fields so that information does not get stored on our servers. Total Due $ Name Card Number Expiration This is a text field that I made a calculated field. In the calculation I just put a space and it causes the answer part of this field to disappear. MM YY Subtotal – NLST Subtotal – NLSPT Subtotal – NLSLS Subtotal – NLSHS Contact Information