
Solutions@70 is our ongoing series of live video discussions with some of the Israeli and Palestinian experts and innovators currently working on creative, concrete solutions that can improve lives and move us closer to peace.

Each month, we moderate conversations with changemakers looking to make an impact on different facets of the conflict and Israeli-Palestinian life — from the challenges of Palestinian economic empowerment in the West Bank to the process of building a powerful and inclusive Israeli political movement for a two-state solution.

Past Subjects

Part III: A Path to Power for the Israeli Peace Camp

It’s become clear that progress toward a two-state solution will require a change in Israel’s leadership. But, after underperforming election after election, is there a path back to power for the Israeli left?

We spoke to Peace Now Director Avi Buskila and Alliance for Israel’s Future Israel Director Mikhael Manekin about how the left is pursuing broader demographic coalitions and utilizing new tactics to grow its base. With organizations on the left coordinating their work like never before and an influx of young energy and talent, both of our speakers are feeling optimistic about the future.

Part II: Opening Gaza

On J Street’s second Solutions@70 video call, we discussed a comprehensive plan to develop infrastructure, transportation, public spaces and entry points into Gaza with the urban planners who designed it — Christopher Choa and Luke Self of AECOM Design and Planning. They walked us through maps and artistic renderings of their vision. We were also joined by Gaza resident and prominent Palestinian political figure Omar Shaban, who worked on this project with AECOM, and Sebastian Welisiejko, the project’s lead economist.

Part I: How to Share Jerusalem

On J Street’s  first Solutions@70 video call, we had a conversation with Yehuda Greenfield-Gilat, a ground-breaking Israeli architect and planner who has served as an adviser to MK Tzipi Livni and Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin. Greenfield-Gilat is developing urban design and architectural strategies to help facilitate a secure and prosperous shared Jerusalem under a future two-state agreement.