
Marking 50 Years of Occupation at the Seder Table

For many pro-Israel, pro-peace Jews, Passover is an opportunity to celebrate our liberation from enslavement in the Land of Egypt...

When the Jewish Community Stands with Refugees

Last week, I sat with hundreds of other DC Jews in the sanctuary of Adas Israel for HIAS’s #JewsforRefugees Assembly....

Liberation through Questioning

Liberation is a process. It starts with the questions. The answers are both large and small. The work of liberation...

Word on the Street: Love the Stranger

J Street Vice President of Government Affairs Dylan Williams made the following statement today regarding the letter....

Know the Heart of the Stranger — A Passover Reflection

We tell the story of Passover so that we remember to empathize with “the other,” so that we will not...

Note to Fellow Jews this Passover: Let’s Stop Behaving Like Eternal Victims

By Alan Elsner J Street's blog aims to reflect a range of voices. The opinions expressed in blog posts do...

Deal on Egalitarian Prayer Space at Western Wall in Danger

It’s time for these organizations and their followers to raise their voices and defend this important breakthrough. We simply can’t...

Charedi Knesset Member’s Slandering of Reform Jews Ignites Backlash From Fellow Members

Hareidi MK Israel Eichler’s comparison of Reform Jews to mentally ill patients diminishes not only Reform Judaism but all who...

Being Bolder Friends of Israel

I'm celebrating the recent announcement and offering a huge mazel tov to all the players who worked tirelessly to make...