The clashes this weekend on Israel’s northern border are an important reminder of the very serious threats posed to Israel by the forces of Syria, Iran and Hezbollah. We are alarmed by the escalation in conflict that began when an Iranian drone violated Israeli airspace, and we support Israel’s right to defend itself against aggression and encroachments.
We hope for the quick and complete recovery of the two Israeli fighter pilots who were injured when their plane crashed in northern Israel after coming under enemy fire. One of the pilots is reportedly in serious condition. Our thoughts are with the Israeli people and with all those in the IDF working to keep them safe.
Proactive and intensive US diplomatic action is needed to help prevent further escalation in the region and the outbreak of full-fledged war. Secretary of State Tillerson, who is currently on an extensive trip to the Middle East, should add a stop in Israel to his itinerary. Especially in this time of escalating hostility, the Trump administration must consult closely with the Israeli government to ensure that Israel’s security concerns are being taken seriously and addressed.