
A Q&A With Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab

Kuttab shared his insights on Abbas, perception of the Trump administration among Palestinians and the internal dynamics for Fatah and...

President Trump Hosts Abbas: What You Need to Know

We try to answer some of your burning questions about Abbas’ visit, what was said today and why it matters.

Looking to the future in a year of milestones

Today is Yom Haatzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, marking an incredible 69 years since the founding of the state.

Congressmen Team with “Anti-Muslim Extremist” to Launch “Defeat Palestinians” Caucus

Among the authors of the violent ideology behind the group is Daniel Pipes, an extreme ideologue known for his anti-Muslim...

Counterproductive “Anti-BDS Summit” Empowered Fringe Voices

I was part of a delegation of J Street U student leaders who attended today’s anti-BDS Summit at the United...

Holocaust Survivors Raise Concerns About Trump’s Choice for US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman

Dozens of Holocaust survivors recently signed onto a letter addressed to the ranking members on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee...

#WontLookAway — A Susya Photo Blog

Today is the deadline for the Israeli government to announce its decision on the demolition of 50% of Susya. Gili...

These members of Congress have condemned Bannon’s appointment.

Yesterday J Street issued a call to action, urging members of Congress speak out against - and call on Trump...

Lee Zeldin Shouldn’t Stand Behind Trump

Zeldin’s political calculus reinforces the stakes of this election for me. When it comes to foreign policy, Trump’s blithe throwaways...