Since our founding, J Street has regularly commissioned polls to keep track of American Jewish public opinion on Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The respected polling firm GBA strategies has conducted these polls, including polls of American Jewish voters on every election night since 2010. This large body of data makes clear that American Jews consistently and overwhelmingly support pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy policies and the tough diplomacy needed to solve problems in the Middle East.
Political Preferences
Hawkish groups often claim that the Jewish vote is liable to swing heavily based on voters concerns about Israel. Yet year after year, the same large majority of American Jews supports the Democratic party – and only a very small number of Jewish voters rank Israel as one of their top priority voting issues.
American Jewish party choice for Congress:
Top 2 priority voting issues:
Election | Issue 1 | Percentage | Issue 2 | Percentage |
2010 | The economy | 62% | Healthcare | 31% |
2012 | The economy | 53% | Healthcare | 32% |
2014 | The economy | 44% | Healthcare | 31% |
2016 | The economy | 35% | Healthcare, ISIS & terrorism (tie) | 27% |
2018 | Healthcare | 43% | Gun violence | 28% |
2020 | Pandemic | 54% | Climate change | 26% |
2022 | State of Democracy | 55% | Abortion | 40% |
2024 | Future of Democracy | 53% | Abortion | 38% |
Percentage choosing Israel as one of their top-two voting issues:
Year | Israel as a top-two voting issue |
2010 | 7% |
2012 | 10% |
2014 | 8% |
2016 | 9% |
2018 | 4% |
2020 | 5% |
2022 | 4% |
2024 | 14% |
Complete Polling Data
Election Night Surveys
Election 2010 National Survey of American Jews
Poll Results
Poll Analysis
National and Pennsylvania Poll Memo
Illinois 9th Congressional District Poll Memo
Powerpoint Presentations
National & Pennsylvania Powerpoint
Illinois 9th Congressional District Powerpoint
Illinois 9th Congressional District Crosstabs
Press Releases
“Jewish Voters Buck National Trends, Election Night Polls Find”
Election 2012 National Survey of American Jews
Poll Results
Powerpoint Presentation
Powerpoint on National, Florida and Ohio Polls
Press Releases
Election 2014 National Survey of American Jews
Election 2016 National Survey of American Jewish Voters
Election 2016 Survey of Floridian Jewish Voters
Election 2018 National Survey of American Jewish Voters
Poll Results
Poll Memo
Powerpoint Presentation
Poll Summary (2 pages) -
Election 2020 National Survey of American Jewish Voters
Election 2022 National Survey of American Jewish Voters
Election 2024 National Survey of American Jewish Voters
2021 Iran Policy Polling
2015 Iran Polling
June Polling on Iran
July Polling on Iran
Polling of Colorado Jews on Iran
Other Polling of American Jewish Opinion
July 2008 National Survey of American Jews
March 2009 Polling of American Jews
March 2010 Polling of American Jews
July 2011 Polling of American Jews
July 2020 Polling of like Jewish voters in Florida & Pennsylvania
Also see:
Our 2019 Polling of Likely Democratic Primary Voters