J Street Applauds Representative Nadler, Echoes His Call for Civil Discourse
J Street applauds Representative Jerrold Nadler’s decision to support the Iran nuclear deal – and echoes his call for civil discourse and respectful debate on the agreement as well as his condemnation of ad hominem attacks on either side.
Rep. Nadler—a respected senior voice in the Democratic Party on foreign affairs as well as a proud Jew whose support for and devotion to Israel cannot be questioned—laid out the reasons for his decision in a long, detailed and closely-argued statement. We encourage anyone interested in this issue to read the statement in its entirety for it provides one of the most comprehensive analyses of the agreement yet to emerge.
Rep. Nadler examined all the strengths and potential vulnerabilities of the agreement as well as the alternatives and possible scenarios if Congress to reject it.
His conclusion, which we at J Street endorse: “U.S. rejection of the JCPOA would almost certainly result in a far greater likelihood of Iran developing a nuclear bomb in relatively short order. This would leave us with only the terrible choice between military action — which would still only temporarily delay Iran’s nuclear weapons program — and accepting a nuclear-armed Iran.”
We also commend Rep. Nadler for his heartfelt call for civil debate—which we have been advocating from the start of this political battle. He writes: “We have apparently reached the point in our public discourse where, if the stakes are high enough, if emotions run deep and opinion is sharply divided, ridicule and ad hominem attacks on the character and loyalty of those who differ become acceptable in the political dialogue. I condemn this and encourage others of goodwill to do the same.”
J Street is happy to associate itself with this call as well as his outrage that some on the left are accusing Jewish members of Congress who oppose the deal of dual loyalty.
“I am outraged that some on the Left are making anti-Semitic accusations of dual loyalty or treason when someone, particularly a Jewish member of Congress, decides to oppose the agreement,” Rep. Nadler says.
“A decision to support the JCPOA does not make someone anti-Israel. My decision to support the JCPOA is based on my conclusion that the JCPOA makes both the United States and Israel safer,” says Rep. Nadler.