WASHINGTON, DC — A large majority of American Jewish voters disapprove of President Trump’s handling of key foreign policy issues including the Iran nuclear deal, US relations with the Palestinians and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, according to a new poll.
The survey, released by the Jewish Electoral Institute and conducted by the Mellman Group, shows that American Jews’ strong opposition to President Trump — just 25% approve of his job performance — also extends to his policies in the Middle East.
Furthermore, 70 percent disapprove of the president’s handling of anti-Semitism.
“This poll confirms that on foreign policy, as on virtually every other issue, President Trump and his political allies are completely out of step with the pro-Israel, pro-peace views of American Jews,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street. “While the president claims to be staunchly pro-Israel, the large majority of American Jews disapprove of the way that he has handled the Iran nuclear agreement and Palestinian issues. Jewish voters are mobilizing across the country to support Trump’s opponents and vote out his enablers.”
The poll also found that 92 percent of likely Jewish voters identify as generally pro-Israel — but just one-third identify as fully supportive of the current Israeli government’s policies. 59 percent are critical of at least some of the current government’s policies.
“The myth that most American Jews unconditionally support the Israeli government’s policies has been debunked — and should be fully put to rest,” said Ben-Ami. “This is why right-wing smears against pro-Israel, pro-peace candidates continue to completely fall flat at the polls. The vast majority of American Jews are pro-Israel — but they define the term very differently than Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Republican Jewish Coalition.”
With the midterm elections just weeks away, J Street’s political fundraising arm, JStreetPAC, is supporting more than 180 pro-Israel, pro-peace House and Senate candidates in races across the country. J Street has commissioned its own annual polling of American Jewish voters, which will be conducted by GBA Strategies on Election Night 2018.