Lighting that first flame, when there was only enough oil for one night, shows the courage of taking action even when our fear about the future is strong. Courage and faith in the face of uncertainty is the Chanukah miracle. The ability to light that initial flame – without certainty or even confidence that the oil will last – is a breathtaking act of trust and hope. Having faith that, even when we don’t know what the future holds, more light will come – that right there is a miracle.
We know by experience that if we do our part, others will join in, but it still takes faith and boldness, chutzpah. With others, we can create a radiance that will sustain us through dark times. That’s not the miracle; that’s just science. It’s a fact. The readiness to light that first candle is the miracle we need as we face a global tsunami of right-wing, extremist populism trying to snuff the lights of democracy.
We must find the courage to light that one light, and then the next and the others, and we must resolve to neither give up nor give in. Our spiritual and biological ancestors faced darkness in the past, and we marvel at their courage and stand on their shoulders. Those who come after us will give thanks for the miracle of our courage and feel grateful to stand on our shoulders. We only need to light that first light, and the rest will follow as surely as night follows day.
– Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
In the face of adversities beyond belief, our movement was resilient in our mission to change the reality where we could make a difference – and we did. On college campuses, in our own communities and in Washington, we pounded the pavement, growing historic levels of support for our work and our values.
J Street has always spoken for the majority of American Jews who want Israel to live up to its democratic ideals, who want to see Palestinians living securely and with dignity in a state of their own and who believe peace is a grounding value of our community. This year – more than any other year before – our vision struck a chord.
In the halls of power, J Street endorsees constitute a majority of the Democratic House and Senate Caucuses. Across the country, more and more community members are turning to J Street and J Street U. As the extremes on the left and right prove detrimental to the health of our country, to Israel and beyond, it’s clear that our pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy politics are only gaining steam.