WASHINGTON – Today, J Street welcomed a congressional letter to President Obama, led by Representatives Jan Schakowsky (IL-09) and Anna Eshoo (CA-14) and signed by 116 members of Congress, in support of the Administration’s efforts to maintain current levels of foreign aid to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The letter is signed by nearly 60 percent of the Democratic caucus, including Representatives Howard Berman (CA-28), Henry Waxman (CA-30), Jerrold Nadler (NY-08), Barney Frank (MA-04), Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), and Chris Van Hollen (MD-08). It urges President Obama to use this critical moment in the Middle East as an opportunity to reaffirm the United States’ leadership in pursuit of a two-state resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Hundreds of J Street activists lobbied in support of the letter earlier this month as part of J Street’s second national conference, meeting with over 200 congressional offices. “At a time when aid is under attack, we are thrilled to see so many members of Congress stand for the continued assistance to Israel and the PA that advances America’s interests and the prospects for peace and security in Israel,” said Hadar Susskind, J Street’s Vice President for Policy and Strategy. “This letter marks a critical show of support for the leadership necessary to resolve the conflict and achieve a better future in the Middle East that serves the interests of the United States, Israel, and the Palestinian people.” Letter Signatories: Altmire, Jason (PA-04) Baca, Joe (CA-43) Baldwin, Tammy (WI-02) Berman, Howard (CA-28) Blumenauer, Earl (OR-03) Brady, Robert (PA-01) Braley, Bruce (IA-01) Brown, Corrine (FL-03) Capps, Lois (CA-23) Capuano, Michael (MA-08) Carnahan, Russ (MO-03) Carson, Andre (IN-07) Chandler, Ben (KY-06) Cicilline, David (RI-01) Clarke, Hansen (MI-13) Clarke, Yvette (NY-11) Clay, William Lacy (MO-01) Cleaver, Emmanuel (MO-05) Cohen, Steve (TN-09) Connolly, Gerald (VA-11) Conyers, John (MI-14) Cooper, Jim (TN-05) Courtney, Joe (CT-02) Critz, Mark (PA-12) Cummings, Elijah (MD-07) Davis, Danny (IL-07) Davis, Susan (CA-53) DeFazio, Peter (OR-04) DeGette, Diana (CO-01) DeLauro, Rosa (CT-03) Dingell, John (MI-15) Doyle, Mike (PA-14) Edwards, Donna (MD-04) Ellison, Keith (MN-05) Eshoo, Anna (CA-14) Farr, Sam (CA-17) Fattah, Chaka (PA-02) Filner, Bob (CA-51) Frank, Barney (MA-04) Fudge, Marcia (OH-11) Garamendi, John (CA-10) Gonzalez, Charlie (TX-20) Grijalva, Raul (AZ-07) Gutierrez, Luis (IL-04) Hastings, Alcee (FL-23) Heinrich, Martin (NM-01) Hinchey, Maurice (NY-22) Hirono, Mazie (HI-02) Holt, Rush (NJ-12) Honda, Michael (CA-15) Inslee, Jay (WA-01) Jackson Jr., Jesse (IL-02) Jackson Lee, Sheila (TX-18) Johnson, Hank (GA-04) Kaptur, Marcy (OH-09) Kind, Ron (WI-03) Kildee, Dale (MI-05) Langevin, Jim (RI-02) Lewis, Jerry (CA-41) Levin, Sander (MI-12) Lipinski, Daniel (IL-03) Loebsack, Dave (IA-02) Lofgren, Zoe (CA-16) Lujan, Ben (NM-03) Lynch, Stephen (MA-09) Maloney, Carolyn (NY-14) Markey, Edward (MA-07) Matsui, Doris (CA-05) Michaud, Michael (ME-02) McDermott, Jim (WA-07) McGovern, Jim (MA-03) McCollum, Betty (MN-04) McNerney, Jerry (CA-11) Miller, Brad (NC-13) Moore, Gwen (WI-04) Moran, James (VA-08) Murphy, Christopher (CT-05) Nadler, Jerrold (NY-08) Napolitano, Grace (CA-38) Norton, Eleanor Holmes (DC-AL) Olver, John (MA-01) Pascrell, Bill (NJ-08) Pastor, Ed (AZ-04) Payne, Donald (NJ-10) Pingree, Chellie (ME-01) Polis, Jared (CO-02) Price, David (NC-04) Quigley, Mike (IL-05) Rangel, Charles (NY-15) Richardson, Laura (CA-37) Richmond, Cedric (LA-02) Roybal-Allard, Lucille (CA-34) Rush, Bobby (IL-01) Ryan, Tim (OH-17) Sanchez, Linda (CA-39) Sanchez, Loretta (CA-47) Schakowsky, Jan (IL-09) Schiff, Adam (CA-29) Schrader, Kurt (OR-05) Scott, David (GA Scott, Robert (VA-03) Speier, Jackie (CA-12) Thompson, Mike (CA-01) Tierney, John (MA-06) Tsongas, Niki (MA-05) Tonko, Paul (NY-21) Van Hollen, Chris (MD-08) Velazquez, Nydia (NY-12) Walz, Tim (MN-01) Watt, Melvin (NC-12) Waxman, Henry (CA-30) Welch, Peter (VT-AL) Wilson, Frederica (FL-17) Woolsey, Lynn (CA-06) Wu, David (OR-01) Yarmuth, John (KY-03) #####