Press Releases

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Religious Freedom in New York City

To counter the opposition to plans by American Muslims to build a community center in lower Manhattan modeled after Jewish...

J Street Urges President Abbas to Agree to Direct Talks with Strong US Engagement

J Street calls on Palestinian President Abbas to respond to the calls of the international community and to agree to...

Statement on Cordoba House Controversy

The principle at stake in the Cordoba House controversy goes to the heart of American democracy and the value we...

J Street Responds to Garrett – Ros-Lehtinen Iran Letter

J Street released the following statement regarding the Garrett - Ros-Lehtinen letter on Iran currently circulating in the House, which...

17 Members of J Street Rabbinical Cabinet Honored in Forward’s Sisterhood 50

J Street congratulates the 17 members of our Rabbinic Cabinet included in The Forward's 2010 “Sisterhood 50.” We applaud these...

Joe Sestak’s Pro-Israel Record

J Street launched a new television advertisement in response to recent right-wing attacks on pro-Israel, pro-peace Members of Congress –...

New J Street TV Ad Sets Sestak’s Record on Israel Straight

J Street announced the launch of a new television advertisement in response to recent right-wing attacks on pro-Israel, pro-peace Members...

J Street Calls for Treasury Investigation Into Settlement Charities

J Street is calling on the U.S. Treasury Department to launch an investigation into whether American charities that fund Israeli...

Statement on US Tax-Exempt Organizations’ Funding of Settlement Activity

J Street calls on the United States Treasury Department and relevant Congressional bodies to launch thorough investigations into whether or...