The Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling upholding the Trump administration’s travel ban — following consistent rulings against its constitutionality by lower court judges appointed by presidents of both parties — is profoundly alarming.
The Trump campaign and administration made clear their intention to target and exclude Muslims on the basis of their faith in bigoted statements time and again. In accepting the legality of this iteration of the ban, the court’s decision will prohibit millions of people from majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States.
As descendants of immigrants and refugees who came to this country seeking a life free from persecution and danger, we see in this ban the same kind of prejudice and fear that threatened our own ancestors. By seeking to turn the United States away from its proud legacy of welcoming people of all faiths and origins, the Trump administration is attacking our country’s most precious and fundamental ideals. In the face of the administration’s xenophobic and exclusionary vision, we will continue fighting for a pluralistic, inclusive future worthy of the values that have defined our nation at its best.