Stop Annexation

In the midst of the pandemic, Prime Minister Netanyahu formed an Israeli emergency government that appeared able and determined to carry out unilateral annexation of occupied Palestinian territory in the West Bank. It was agreed that, with the approval of the Trump administration, Netanyahu could begin annexation as early as July 1st.

Annexation would be deliberately intended to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, and would institutionalize an undemocratic system in which Israel would rule permanently over stateless Palestinian residents of the West Bank. It would fundamentally betray the vision and democratic principles of Israel’s founders, severely imperil the US-Israel relationship and make it nearly impossible to maintain broad support for Israel in the US.

Standing together with American lawmakers, policy experts and an overwhelming portion of the Israeli security establishment, J Street has made clear why annexation would be so destructive — and mobilized to stop it.

Explainers & Resources

What annexation could look like

Annexation Under the Trump Plan

Annexation of Area C

Source: Dan Rothem

Recommended Briefings

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Why this fight is so important

Israeli Security

Members of Israel’s security establishment have warned that annexation risks provoking outrage in the West Bank and would undermine or destroy important cornerstones of Israel’s security strategy, including the current ceasefire with Hamas, security cooperation with the Palestinian Authority and peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. They also warn that annexation could lead to the collapse of the Palestinian Authority and Israel retaking control of the entire West Bank at great additional cost and risk to its soldiers and people.

Palestinian Rights

Annexation would be a gross violation of international law, designed to prevent the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. It would leave millions of Palestinians living permanently in disconnected enclaves, surrounded by Israeli territory and subject to unaccountable military rule — without basic civil or political rights or any hope of self-determination. 

Israeli Democracy

Israel’s identity has long been rooted in the goal of being a safe, secure, democracy and a homeland for the Jewish people. But maintaining permanent control over millions of Palestinians within its territory — while denying them the most basic civil and political rights — would be a betrayal of Israel’s founding values of democracy and equality, as enshrined by Israel’s 1948 Declaration of Independence. Annexation would force Israel to choose between abandoning its commitment to democracy, or abandoning its status as a majority-Jewish state. 

The US-Israel Relationship

America’s longstanding special relationship with Israel is built on a foundation of shared democratic values and a commitment to the pursuit of regional peace and stability. This would be severely undermined by annexation — a fundamentally anti-democratic act that also imperils US and Israeli security. Annexation would alienate a large swath of American lawmakers and voters, making it nearly impossible in the long run to maintain the same levels of broad support for Israel.

Strategic Regional Relationships

West Bank annexation has the potential to undermine vital American and Israeli security relationships in a highly volatile region, and to prevent Israel from developing closer ties with currently-hostile Arab states. In particular, it could shake the foundations of Israel’s essential peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan.

Opposition to Annexation

A roundup of quotes and statements from Israeli security officials, American supporters of Israel, Palestinians and global leaders.

Prominent Israelis

"[Annexation would cause] Irreversible damage to our
relations with the Democratic party and the American Jewish community in the United States."
Yair Lapid
Yesh Atid Party Chair
"This will be the final blow to the Zionist vision of a democratic state with a Jewish majority, which upholds a society in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence."
Dr. Shaul Arieli
Colonel (res), IDF
"An annexation of around 30 percent of the West Bank might be carried out under an understanding between Israel and the United States, but not one between both sides of a peace treaty: Israel and the Palestinians. That means it move us past the point of no return in the quest for peace."
Tzipi Livni
Former Israeli Justice Minister

American Experts & Political Leaders

"Israel…has to stop the threats of annexation and settlement activity, like the recent announcement to build thousands of settlements in E1. That’s going to choke off any hope for peace. And to be frank, those moves are taking Israel further from its democratic values."
Joe Biden
Presumptive Democratic Nominee
"Unilateral annexation... undermines US national security interests. Undermines our national security interests and decades of bipartisan policy."
Nancy Pelosi
House Speaker
"[the Trump administration] appears to have given a green light to unilateral annexation, despite the risks to peace and Israel’s security and democracy. This is a dangerous abandonment of decades of U.S. helping bring Israeli and Palestinian leaders to the negotiating table to do the hard work of making peace."
Kamala Harris
Democratic Nominee for Vice President

Jewish Organizations and Coalitions

Anti-Defamation League

Today, the greatest threat to the continuing fulfillment of that [Zionist] dream would be the annexation of the West Bank, the ending of the possibility of two states, and the absorption into Israel of several million Palestinians.

Union for Reform Judaism

We believe any such act outside the context of a broader peace accord to be a fundamentally flawed idea that would cause significant damage to the State of Israel, to the special relationship between our countries, and to Israel-Diaspora...

Hashomer Hatzair World Movement

Hashomer Hatzair World Movement is proud to be part of this global initiative of progressive Jewish and Zionist organisations which speak up and stand against the unilateral annexation of parts of the West-Bank by the Netanyahu government a

Letter: 130 Jewish Communal Leaders Against Annexation

Israel Policy Forum

“[Annexation] will make it more challenging for American Jewish leaders as they seek to maintain strong support for Israel and pro-Israel policies at this time. Should annexation be advanced..."

Prominent Members of the UK Jewish Community: We Cannot Justify Annexation


"It would have grave consequences for the Palestinian people most obviously. Israel’s international standing would also suffer and it is incompatible with the notion of Israel as both a Jewish and democratic state."

185 Alumni of Israeli Gap-Year Programs Condemn Netanyahu's Annexation Plan


"As leaders of America’s Jewish youth, we see it as our obligation to object to the dangerous steps toward annexation being pursued by the current Israeli government.”

Palestinian Statements

"Formation of an Israeli annexation government means ending the two-state solution and the dismantling of the rights of the people of Palestine as established under international law and resolutions."
Mohammad Shtayyeh
Prime Minister, Palestinian Authority
"Annexation means the end of any possibility for a negotiated solution. It is an international responsibility to hold the new Israeli government accountable and to demand full implementation of its obligations under international law and signed agreements."
Saeb Erekat
PLO-Secretary General
"Israeli political parties are unequivocally committed to the entrenchment and permanence of the conflict as well as the perpetual oppression of the Palestinian people with the full support and backing of the Trump administration, which is clearly intent on implementing its dangerous and objectionable plan."
Hanan Ashrawi
PLO Executive Committee Member

International Community

"The peace treaty can go into a deep freeze mode and therefore it is definitely at risk [should Israel follow through with the annexations, as outlined in the Trump plan.]"
Prime Minister Omar Razzaz
"The EU does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the occupied West Bank. The EU reiterates that any annexation would constitute a serious violation of international law."
High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell
European Union
"[Annexation] would amount to a breach of international law and we’ve strongly objected and we believe profoundly in a two-state solution."
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
United Kingdom
"We share the concerns that if the proposed plans on annexation of parts of the West Bank are implemented, they could undermine prospects for creating an independent, viable and territorially contiguous Palestinian state."
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
"[Annexation] would constitute a blatant violation of international law, which strictly prohibits the acquisition by force of occupied territories. Such steps if implemented would not pass unchallenged and shall not be overlooked in our relationship with Israel."
UN Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière
"Germany strongly advises against the annexation of occupied Palestinian territories. This would have serious, negative repercussions on the viability of the two-state solution, the entire peace process, regional stability and ISR standing within the international community."
Mission to the UN

Take Action

Tell the Senate: US taxpayers should not foot the bill for annexation

Urge your senators to back the Van Hollen amendment, which prohibits US military aid from being used for West Bank annexation

Take Action

Sign: American Jews Oppose Annexation

Building broad opposition to annexation starts with us. It starts by showing that Jewish Americans are staunchly opposed to annexation and committed to stopping it.

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This is a critical moment for everyone who cares about the fundamental rights of Palestinians and Israel's future as a democratic, Jewish homeland. Please help make sure we have the resources we need to lead this fight.

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For even more information, visit the Global Jewish Coalition to Stop Annexation

Jewish communities around the world are working stop stop annexation.