Who’s Breaking the Democracy Pledge?

J Street has called on all pro-Israel organizations with an affiliated PAC to take our #DemocracyPledge not to support any candidate for Congress that voted against certifying the 2020 election results or otherwise supported Trump’s Big Lie. Other groups, including The Jewish Democratic Council of America and Democratic Majority For Israel, have also publicly taken the pledge. Here’s who’s failing to live up to it.

“It starts with ‘Who gets the money?’ If it goes to antidemocratic people who believe the last election was a fraud and they support the January 6 insurrection – no sir, I would not give them a dime.”

Tom Dine
Former AIPAC Executive Director

“There were 147 Republicans who, despite the horrific 1/6 events, nevertheless voted against certification of the 2020 election. This is not a policy vote. This is a vote against our democratic form of government. These Republicans, no matter how many ‘pro-Israel’ votes they make, are not deserving of our support.”

Martin Raffel
Former Senior Vice President of the Jewish Council on Public Affairs

Pro-Israel America

Anti-democracy candidates they support:


Anti-democracy candidates they support:

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC)

Anti-democracy candidates they support: