
J Street U on Antisemitism — Rejecting Weaponization, Embracing Solidarity

To address antisemitism, we must reach out to other groups, and engage fully in the hard and tangible...

Yom HaZikaron: A Moment of Pain, Resolve and Resolution

The best way to honor those we have lost to the cycle of violence and conflict is to...

Two-Way Street for Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaout | Not If But When

In many ways, commemorating Yom Hashoah Ve-HaGevurah (Remembrance Day of The Holocaust and Heroism) is entwined deeply with...

Two-Way Street for Yom HaShoah | Never Again: Not Just a Slogan

In many ways, commemorating Yom Hashoah Ve-HaGevurah (Remembrance Day of The Holocaust and Heroism) is entwined deeply with...

Two-Way Street for Passover: Journeying with Fellow Travelers

Only if we embrace the mixed multitude of the Exodus story and our own time can the ancient...

J Street Position on 2/21 Anti-ICC Senate Letter

J Street does not endorse Palestinian approaches to the International Criminal Court (ICC) or the ICC Pre-Trial Court's...

Two-Way Street for Purim 2021

Living in this world as activists entails navigating our way through chaotic weather storms of ego, honor, righteousness,...

‘Humiliation and absurdity’: The Israeli women bearing witness to the Occupation

“The vision of Israel we are working toward is one free of the burden of oppressing a neighboring...

Two-Way Street | Two d’varim for Tu B’Shvat

For Tu B'Shvat, we have two d'varim for you on access, equity and environmental activism.