
Nuance, Empathy and Humanity Matter

If strengthening our voice matters to you, please consider an end-of-year contribution to support this vital work. Every contribution strengthens...

Defeat Terror. Protect Civilians. Pursue Peace.

"Support for Israel’s operation doesn’t require providing a blank check for the Netanyahu government to operate without a clear exit...

One Month Since October 7

"That’s why – at the one-month mark – we believe it is necessary to ask tough questions and to consider...

Secretary Blinken’s Message to Netanyahu

As the US prepares to provide Israel with a massive new package of military assistance, the secretary should insist that...

President Biden: Provide Us Light in This Darkness

The world must recognize both Israel and Palestine as the national homelands of their respective peoples – and so too,...

Israel’s Looming Ground Invasion

"The United States can and must use our influence to guide Israel’s leaders toward sober judgments, to protect the safety...

A note on the horrific situation in Israel from the J Street Rabbinic and Cantorial Cabinet Co-chairs

On Shemini Atzeret, we pray both for rain and say Yizkor, remembering those whom we have lost. To call for...

‘We Looked Like an Army’: Meet The Handmaids Standing Up to Netanyahu

“We looked like an army in one of our Tel Aviv marches. When someone sees videos of hundreds of women...

My Speech at the Pro-Democracy, Pro-Israel Rally in New York

"That is why our community leaders must not be silent as Prime Minister Netanyahu and his band of nationalists, racists...