2024 Philadelphia Speakers

November 6, 2024
The Liberty View - Independence Visitor Center
599 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, Mezzanine Level


Jeremy Ben-Ami

President, J Street

Jeremy Ben-Ami is the President of J Street with a background of deep experience in American politics and government and a passionate commitment to the state of Israel. His political background includes serving mid-1990s as the Deputy Domestic Policy Advisor in the White House to President Bill Clinton and working on seven Presidential and numerous state and local campaigns. He was Howard Dean’s National Policy Director in 2004 and helped manage a Mayoral campaign in New York City in 2001. He has been recognized for his leadership including being named one of 50 “People of the Decade” by Ha’aretz, the influential Israeli daily newspaper, and by the Jerusalem Post, which included him in its list of the 50 Most Influential Jews in the world.

Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin

Israeli political analyst

Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin is a public opinion researcher and a political advisor who has worked on eight national campaigns in Israel and in 15 other countries. She is currently a policy fellow at The Century Foundation, and co-host of The Tel Aviv Review podcast, in addition to co-hosting the Election Overdose podcast at Haaretz.


Dr. Khalil Shikaki

Director of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR)  

Dr. Khalil Shikaki is a Professor of Political Science and director of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (Ramallah, Palestine). Since 2005 he has been a senior fellow at the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis University. He finished his Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University in 1985, and taught at several Palestinian and American universities. Between 1996-99, Dr. Shikaki served as Dean of Scientific Research at al Najah University in Nablus. He spent summer 2002 as a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC. Since 1993, Dr. Shikaki has conducted more than 200 polls among Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and, since 2000, dozens of joint polls among Palestinians and Israelis.