Two-Way Street | The Secret Emails of Mordechai and Esther, Part One 03/18/2024 Dive into the imaginative letters between Mordechai and Esther, exploring the profound and sometimes traumatic themes of Purim, but brought to you with a touch of levity and creativity.
Two-Way Street| Tisha B’Av: Jerusalem Will Not Fall Again! 07/26/2023 Shavuot is the second of the three major pilgrimage festivals. Originally a harvest festival, it was the time when our ancestors would aliyah l’regel—literally “go up on foot”—to make an offering of their first fruits in the Temple in Jerusalem.
Two-Way Street | Receiving Torah on Shavuot — What and How 05/12/2023 Shavuot is the second of the three major pilgrimage festivals. Originally a harvest festival, it was the time when our ancestors would aliyah l’regel—literally “go up on foot”—to make an offering of their first fruits in the Temple in Jerusalem.
Two-Way Street | Clergy Reflections on Yom Ha’atzmaut 04/24/2023 “Only when there is a just resolution to the conflict with the Palestinians will Jews, as it says in “Hatikvah” — be a free people in our land — rather than a people that must live by the sword and through the repression of others.”
Two-Way Street | The Growing Significance of Yom HaShoah as a Call for Ethical Consciousness 04/14/2023 Yom HaShoah is the day we confront the lessons of the past for the sake of the future. Today’s observance is the moral reckoning we sought to avoid.
Two-Way Street for Hanukkah 5783 | A Holiday with Two Narratives – Where Light and Miracles Prevail 12/14/2022 “Why was the Second Temple destroyed? Because of Sinat Chinam, senseless hatred of one for another.” (Bavli Yoma 9b)
Two-Way Street for Sukkot 5783 | We Too Are Needed to Build a Sukkat Shalom 10/06/2022 While there are times when peace may seem unachievable, our tradition reminds us that this is only temporary. When we awake in the morning we start anew and continue the work.
Two-Way Street for Yom Kippur 5783 | The Other Tourists 09/30/2022 In passing, I admired the figs strung like beads on heavy cords and kept moving forward, thinking about the complexity of this not-so-holy place, and the next trinket I wanted to buy.
Two-Way Street for Rosh Hashanah 5783 | Two Jewish New Years 09/21/2022 “Why was the Second Temple destroyed? Because of Sinat Chinam, senseless hatred of one for another.” (Bavli Yoma 9b)