Author Posts: Noa Barash

Two-Way Street for Shavuot

It is my responsibility to treat every human being with dignity and respect and with the call to justice, and...

Bokra: Pursuing Coexistence and Change through Media

"Bokra," which means "tomorrow" in Arabic, is more than just a news organization. Ghada Zoabi views the website as a...

Dear Jerusalem: Two-Way Street for Yom Yerushalayim

On the day when we’re supposed to be celebrating the reunification of Jerusalem, I feel especially alienated from the city...

Creating the Palestinian Startup Nation

“If you want to talk about coexistence and look into the future, it's easier to do that when you're looking...

The Fading of a Binary World: Two-Way Street for Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut

As a citizen of Israel, I remember standing silently in my Jerusalem café as the sirens went off on Yom...

How ‘This Is Not an Ulpan’ Uses Language to Ignite Change

‘This is not an Ulpan’ believe that classrooms are a microcosm of society, and they want their students to challenge...

The Israeli Government’s Effort to Take Over East Jerusalem

Recently, the Israeli government has accelerated their efforts to cap Palestinian development through settlement expansion and demolitions.

How the Road to Recovery Brings Israelis and Palestinians Together

"On both sides, from the day you are born, you are being taught not to trust the other side," says...

Reflections on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

For those of us who are Jewish, this conflict hits particularly close to home.