
Shushan Street:
The Settlement Enterprise and the Demise of Israel’s Post-Netanyahu Government

Fifty-five years after Israel began its occupation of the Palestinian territories during the 1967 Six-Day War, the occupation has precipitated...

What You Need to Know About the Collapse of Israel’s Coalition Government

Ultimately, divisions between left and right, exacerbated by an ongoing pressure campaign from Netanyahu’s right-wing opposition, pushed two right-wing MK’s...

Bokra: Pursuing Coexistence and Change through Media

"Bokra," which means "tomorrow" in Arabic, is more than just a news organization. Ghada Zoabi views the website as a...

Creating the Palestinian Startup Nation

“If you want to talk about coexistence and look into the future, it's easier to do that when you're looking...

How ‘This Is Not an Ulpan’ Uses Language to Ignite Change

‘This is not an Ulpan’ believe that classrooms are a microcosm of society, and they want their students to challenge...

The Israeli Government’s Effort to Take Over East Jerusalem

Recently, the Israeli government has accelerated their efforts to cap Palestinian development through settlement expansion and demolitions.

A Message to J Street Supporters: AIPAC’s Far-Right Endorsements Are Inexcusable

Elected leaders, policymakers and average Americans must know that on this issue, AIPAC speaks only for a small, short-sighted minority...

How the Road to Recovery Brings Israelis and Palestinians Together

"On both sides, from the day you are born, you are being taught not to trust the other side," says...

Reps. Jennifer Wexton and Jared Huffman Report Back on the J Street Congressional Delegation to Israel and the Palestinian Territory

In February 2022, the J Street Education Fund sent its largest-ever Congressional Delegation to Israel and the West Bank. We...