SEATTLE: Israel, Zionism and the Jewish Community in 2019

Join us for a discussion with Peter Beinart, a prominent columnist for The Atlantic and the Forward. He will share his thoughts on anti-semitism, the changing conversation on Israel in the Jewish community, the results of the Israeli election and more.

PHILADELPHIA: What Does it Mean to be a Zionist Today?

Join us for a conversation between journalist and political commentator Peter Beinart and J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami. They will discuss anti-semitism, the changing conversation on Israel in the Jewish community and more.

Briefing on Kushner’s Bahrain Economic Workshop

This Tuesday, as the Kushner workshop gets underway in Bahrain, Palestinian-American businessman and economic advocate Sam Bahour will join J Street members for an online briefing, directly from the West […]

San Diego: Intervention, Threats or Disengagement

Join J Street for a thoughtful conversation on Middle East foreign policy in the Trump era, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iran, Syria and the Gulf States and the shifting dynamics in US Congress.