Student only conversation with B’TSelem!

Please join fellow J Street U students for a conversation with the Executive Director of B’Tselem Hagai El-Ad on how we as Americans can support organizations on the ground in Israel/Palestine in their fight to end annexation and occupation.

J Street Chicago Confederation: An Emerging Plausible Two-State Solution?

In their recent New York Times op-ed, Israeli journalist Bernard Avishai and Palestinian entrepreneur Sam Bahour argue that the key to resolving the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is a confederated state that guarantees freedom of movement, sovereignty and security.  Over the years, this topic has been extensively discussed by both activists and academics. But there are […]

A Conversation with Rabbi Dr. Haviva Ner-David and Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg

Join us for a special event on Rabbi Dr. Haviva Ner-David's debut novel, Hope Valley, sponsored by T'ruah and co-sponsored by J Street. This event will feature  Rabbi Dr. Haviva Ner-David -- author of Hope Valley -- in conversation with Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg .  Hope Valley is a story of an unexpected friendship between a Palestinian-Israeli and […]

J Street Philadelphia: The Impact of the Israeli Elections on Israel and the US

The leadership and composition of the Israeli government will affect not only Israelis but all of us who care about Israel’s future. It also could have a big impact on the US-Israel relationship. Please join J Street Philadelphia, Main Line Reform Temple and the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) to hear from our panel of […]