On Wednesday, June 30th, J Street was proud to join with the City of Los Angeles and the LA Jewish community to mark the fourth anniversary of the kidnapping of Israeli Corporal Gilad Shalit and call for his immediate, unconditional release. Councilmember Paul Koretz presented the Consul General of Israel, Jacob Dayan, with a proclamation declaring June 25th as “Gilad Shalit Day” in the City of Los Angeles. Serena Zeise, J Street’s Southern California and Southwest Regional Director, read the following statement at the City Hall event:
J Street is proud to join with the LA community as we mark the four year anniversary of the kidnapping of Israeli Corporal Gilad Shalit and call for his immediate, unconditional release. We applaud Council Member Paul Koretz and the Los Angeles City Council’s strong leadership on this issue, demanding the release of 23 year-old Shalit, designating June 25th as Gilad Shalit Day, and rededicating our community to the pursuit of peace. Last week, J Street joined over 400 Rabbis and Cantors across the country, including over 30 from the Los Angeles area, in an open letter to the American Jewish community, declaring that our hope is not lost – od lo avda tikvateinu. Our hope is not lost for the release and safe return of Gilad Shalit to Israel and to his family, who remain in our thoughts and prayers every day. And our hope is not lost for the possibility of the day when Israelis and Palestinians can live side-by-side in true peace and security – once and for all free from fear, violence and tragedy.
Councilmember Paul Koretz presents Israeli Consul General Jacob Dayan with a proclamation declaring June 25th as “Gilad Shalit Day” in the City of Los Angeles. J Street’s SoCal and Southwest Regional Director Serena Zeise delivers remarks at LA City Hall.