
J Street welcomes Feinstein letter to Clinton

Jeremy Ben-Ami, Executive Director of J Street, released the following statement: J Street warmly welcomes the letter to Secretary of...

On shared values and Avigdor Lieberman

Avigdor Lieberman’s op-ed in the Jewish Week on shared values between Israel and the United States is as genuine as...

Statement on the outcome of yesterday’s Israeli elections

J Street congratulates the winners in yesterday's Israeli elections and hopes the process of forming a new government will be...

Delahunt resolution expresses support for Mideast Peace Envoy Mitchell and signals broad support for renewed US leadership in resolving conflict

The introduction yesterday of House Resolution 130, praising the appointment of Senator George Mitchell as Special Envoy for Middle East...

Rep. Delahunt (D-MA) introduces resolution supporting Middle East Envoy George Mitchell

Rep. Delahunt (D-MA) On February 4th, Congressman Delahunt introduced House Resolution 130 with 31 original co-sponsors from both parties praising...

J Street welcomes US humanitarian aid to Palestinians

J Street welcomes President Obama's decision to release $20.3 million from the U.S. Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance (ERMA) Fund...

No surprises in Anti-Defamation League poll of American Jewish Opinion on Gaza Crisis

This brief poll from the Anti-Defamation League contains no surprises. Of course, the vast majority of American Jews sympathize with...

60 Minutes under attack

This past Sunday, 60 Minutes aired a powerful, thoughtful, and sobering report on the danger that Israeli settlements pose to...

Response to Libyan Leader Qaddafi’s New York Times Op-ed

How bizarre to see an op-ed from Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi in The New York Times on January 22nd and...