Briefing on Kushner’s Bahrain Economic Workshop

This Tuesday, as the Kushner workshop gets underway in Bahrain, Palestinian-American businessman and economic advocate Sam Bahour will join J Street members for an online briefing, directly from the West […]

San Diego: Intervention, Threats or Disengagement

Join J Street for a thoughtful conversation on Middle East foreign policy in the Trump era, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iran, Syria and the Gulf States and the shifting dynamics in US Congress.

J Street Boston Presents: An Evening with Breaking the Silence

Temple Sinai Brookline 50 Sewall Ave, Brookline, MA, United States

Please join us for an evening with Breaking the Silence at Temple Sinai of Brookline on November 17, at 7pm. Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran soldiers who […]

J Street Rhode Island Presents: An Evening with Breaking the Silence

Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island 401 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence, RI, United States

Co-sponsored by the Jewish Alliance and the New Israel Fund. American-raised former "lone soldiers" will speak about their experiences serving in the Palestinian Territories. Breaking the Silence is an organization of […]